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1st Edition

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:x: 19. Find out the correct sentence. উত্তর: (I like him the most.)
:white_check_mark: 19. Find out the correct sentence. উত্তর: (Between Abir and Babor, Babor is the braver.)


Printing Mistake: The patient was sure (of) that he you would recover.
Correction: The patient was sure (of) that he would recover.


Spelling Mistake:

12. It is a universal truth that the earth moves round the sun. What type of clause is the underlined one?

ব্যাখ্যা: এখানে It হচ্ছে Introductory. মূলত………………….Cluse টাকে………………….।
12. It is a universal truth that the earth moves round the sun. What type of clause is the underlined one?
ব্যাখ্যা: এখানে It হচ্ছে Introductory. মূলত………………….Clause টাকে………………….।


Printing Mistake:
❌ 39. In the poem, the poet glorified the man he loved. The underlined clause is a/an – উত্তর: গ (Adverbial clause)
✅ 39. In the poem, the poet glorified the man he loved. The underlined clause is a/an –উত্তর: খ (Adjective clause)


4. Millennium is a period of – উত্তর: গ (1 million year)
4. Millennium is a period of – উত্তর: খ (1000 year)


10. This could have worked if I _______ been more far-sighted. উত্তর: গ (might)
10. This could have worked if I _______ been more far-sighted. উত্তর: খ (had)


15. No one can______ that he is clever. উত্তর: গ (admire)
15. No one can______ that he is clever. উত্তর: খ (deny)

17. She played on the flute. Passive form is— উত্তর: গ (The flute was played to her.)
17. She played on the flute. Passive form is— উত্তর: খ (The flute was played on by her.)


24. Identify the correctly spelt word. উত্তর: গ (Occassion)
24. Identify the correctly spelt word. উত্তর: খ (Pneumonia)

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